Raining very softly this evening as Twist and I walked through the park.
How do you describe the sound of billions of gently falling raindrops on a canopy made of young green leaves? To me, it sounds like a lazy, jittery "shrrrr" with an occasional gentle "splat."
Rarely for her, Twist was unfazed by the barometric conditions; I think they were all perfectly aligned to soothe, not scare. (At least if you are a high-strung brindle girl greyhound.)
We rounded the first path loop by the ditch and saw four tween boys playing a jumping game. I knew it was a game because they were calling out very specific rules to each other, rather, I should say the head boy was calling and the others were following. Must jump so far, no touching branches, can't land in water, etc., etc.
It's been a long time since I was a child and I don't remember what the rule-making in play is supposed to work out. Seems so dull to me now. Being a grown-up has plenty enough rules.
I liked better the daydreaming part of being a kid. Good practice for figuring out what spring rain in the park sounds like.