And really, who needs 'em?
Because I have a tale to tell, pals.
Today, I took a walk in Downtown Pittsburgh, stopping first at a PNC ATM.
Waited. Customer ahead finishes her business and I hear the familiar beep sequence that means take your money, but most important, take your card, or I, the machine, will suck it into my bowels, shred it and cause you untold grief.
Customer ahead doesn't hear. Walks away and machine burps out her card as I prepare to surrender mine. So. I grab her card and as she is still close, "Excuse me, your card?"
Profuse gratefulness ensues; I do my banking, take my cash, card and move on.
Shop at Macy's, admire the Arrott Building, wander back to office.
And on the way back, past a woman feeding a meter. Her quarter drops; rolls in front of me, so I scoop it up and hand it back. "You are too kind!" she says.
End of work day.
As I walk the dog in the late, last August afternoon, I ponder these two events, wishing for a third to complete the giving-ness of them.
So what happens?
I find $20 on the street.
Lameness would mean I was rewarded for two acts of charity, but because I am not lame, I won't buy that reasoning. I am cynical, so no doubt that $20 has a future that does not include me.
But I like that it made a threesome.

Pic: The 16th Street Bridge guardian who could be a currency all his own.