Well, in spite my best efforts, Sunday got away from me. However, now that it is Monday I can more fully reflect on the weekend.
My favorite part of every Sunday is the New York Times. I always reach for Sunday Styles, Week in Review and Sunday Business, and thereafter the front section and the Book Review. As Philip Roth's latest offering was on the cover of the Book Review this week, I felt comfortable in AVOIDING IT COMPLETELY. If you get my drift. Angry old Jewish men. Writing about their anger. No thank you.
Ann Coulter catering to gay conservatives on the Sunday Styles cover. Gads. I read it, but it was more about AC than why gays think its acceptable for them to support her.
Twist and I had a lovely walk in the Sunday dusk, below a silvery-gold crescent moon.
What's that you say?
It wasn't PINK!!!!!!!
Oh, the nerve of Mother Nature to ignore Breast Cancer Cancer Cancer Cancer Cancer Cancer, oh, one more time, Cancer Month! The nerve. Fountain waters are pink this month. Big, burly football players are wearing pink gloves. Even the Sunday funnies in the newspaper are pink. So seriously. Get with it Mom.
That said.
My style icon for Sunday is a new acquaintance, Jill Black, from Mary Worth. That's right. Black. She looks to be a real hard case who will reduce Adrian Cory, who is as dumb as a drawer full of hammers, to a puddle of jelly while helping her "choose" her wedding dress. Again, imagine the nerve of the comic strip's author introducing a character named BLACK!!! during pink cancer month.
And speaking of cancer, cancer, cancer, I like this post from Blag Hag.
The "illustration" is done by deviantART muro. Just call me Jacksonia Pollock.
Cheers. Happy Cancer Month!
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