This weekend was fall in a nutshell. Saturday full of sun and blue skies, Sunday full of gray skies and rain.
So, you take advantage of the weather however you can.
Saturday, garage door up for a little light for the napping plants, a stroll around the backyard to tend to dried greenery and frozen mums. And a few minutes to let the dog snooze in the slanting November sun. Happy dog!
Sunday, garage door up even thought its dismal, a dusky walk between the raindrops with the dog and a cozy hour spent with the NY Times.
The book review had a couple articles about Native Americans, including a description of the Sioux tribe's fruitless efforts to defeat the white men. An article about Crazy Horse mentioned Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper. I'd love to know more about FLIN; seems relevant in this age of dying (or refusing to re-invent themselves is how I look at it) print products.
Back to the present. The cat, Otto, is mellowing in his dotage. He spends much more time inside and sitting on our laps on the weekends (weekdays he disappears upstairs). Much different from his younger days of indifference
Katy was a Girl with Tools this weekend, installing blinds using her brand new Ryobi drill, which already has fallen short of expectations. Not enough juice. Next time, I'll spend more cash for a drill with watts. I love putting things together and putting things up.
That's my new career. Tool Girl. :)
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