Tuesday, September 25, 2012

May I be excused?

Today, La Vie Catherine starts a new feature:

May I be excused?

As in, when I am at the gym and hear a TV commercial for toilet paper in the locker room that then asks me to vote for a "certain" type of TP on Facebook, I say: "May I be excused?"

Or when hordes and throngs of people swear to me that the restaurant/shop/cafe/paint store/whatever that they absolutely adore and I must try or be sentenced to loser-hood for the remainder of my days, I say: "May I be excused?

To the Steelers fans shouting at each other about the O-line, the D-line etc, ad nauseum, I say: "May I be excused?"

Not that I'm special, but if there are that many people out there voting for toilet paper, or boasting about the best whatever or fulminating that their take on the Steelers is the most authoritative one, then really, what do I have to add to the "conversation?" Such as it is.

So, yes, "May I be excused?"

Because, you know, I could be taking a nap!

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